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Sixth Grade Visits Camp Kirkwood

From August 30th to September 31st, the entire sixth grade at Durham Academy went to Camp Kirkwood in Watha, North Carolina. At 8:oo am,  on August 30th, the sixth grade gets on 3 different Carolina Livery buses. The bus ride to Camp Kirkwood was about two hours long. When we got there, it was raining, and a tropical storm was passing through. Even though this was a challenge, we still pushed through it. After we ate lunch, we started our activities. Some of them were the pool and team building. Photo taken by a sixth grade teacher.Photo taken by a sixth grade teacher.

After that, we get an hour of free time where we get to hang out in our cabins. Since it was raining, we got to watch a movie with snow-cones instead of taking a night hike. The next day went pretty similar except it didn’t rain that much. Some activities that were favorites that we did were the pool, the Kanga Jump, and the V-swing. The V-swing was so much fun! First, you get into a harness and get sent up a rope that goes really high. Then you unclip yourself from the rope and swing in a V motion. That night, we made s’mores


All three were taken by a teacher.

The next day was Friday, and that’s the day we left. Some activities we did were canoeing, seeing the pig, Bubbles, and zip lining over a lake. After that, we ate lunch, and went on the bus to go home. This camp was fun and I loved the activities!